Our Honey Is Vegan Too
You may look at our flavors and understand how cocoa, unsweetened and cinnamon are vegan, but honey? Well, we decided to sweeten our honey flavor without actual honey, so that vegans could enjoy our cereal too!
The vegan diet has been around for a very long time, also known as a plant-based diet. What must you cut out in order to be a vegan? Most commonly, vegans do not consume the following: beef, pork, lamb, and other red meat, chicken, duck, and other poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, honey and more.
A well-balanced vegan diet can still contain all the necessary protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and minerals. Here are just a few of the health benefits of being a vegan / following a plant-based diet, as cited from Medical News Today!
- Helps with weight loss
- Lowers risk of cancer and diabetes
- Supports heart health
- Lowers cholesterol
- Improves mood
It’s important to understand what nutrients you are or aren’t getting enough of, so be sure to pay attention to your body and how you feel when you’re eating.
Can we tell you a vegan joke?
Promise it won’t be cheesy!