I love, love this flavor! It's amazing in milk and without milk. It pairs nicely with the other Three Wishes flavors, especially with Strawberry, so tasty! This is vanilla flavored, has a hint of frosted flavor (think Frosted Flakes), and keeps the crunch factor in milk far longer than any other cereal I've ever had. The most amazing part is while it feels like a guilty indulgence, because it tastes so unbelievably good , it's actually not bad for you! It has very little sugar, has protein, fiber, and vitamins. I have no idea how they made it so yummy and kept it healthy, but they did! Please never ever go away, this company is the only reason why I still get to enjoy cereal! I could rave all day long about Three Wishes and this flavor, but I think I made my point. And please don't tinker with the ingredients like all the other silly companies. You've got an amazing product, no need to mess with it!