You’re telling me you picked up a box of Three Wishes, poured yourself a bowl, happened upon the bottom of the box, read our little blurb, typed in this URL, hit enter, and landed right here, right now?
We’re cerealously impressed.
You’re either very curious, wildly diligent, got lost while pouring your bowl of cereal, or might have just been bored and looking for an adventure. Either way, we’re glad you’re here.

Speaking of boredom...
That’s more or less how this whole bottom-of-box-business came to be. Margaret, Ian, and the team were brainstorming big ideas when we all found ourselves looking at the very empty, very tempting, bottom of the box.
As cereal-loving-marketers turned marketing-loving-cereal-makers, this blank side held a lot of potential and we decided we just had to put something there.
So we used that space to share our stories and secrets.
The best part?
Each flavor bears a different blurb on the bottom of the box. We weren't sure anyone would read them or travel to this site, but we’re sure glad it wasn’t just wishful thinking.